Sunday, 26 July 2020

Peruvian Dish Rocoto Relleno/ Stuffed Bell Peppers

I simply love my gang of lovely ladies of the Wild Asparagus Table who keep us updated with cuisines from around the world.
This time we were visiting Peru and trying  out Peruvian dishes in our virtual  potluck monthy meet.

Rocoto Relleno is the dish I am trying  for the first time. Even though it was time consuming and had various cooking procedures the end result was fabulous and worth all the efforts.

In Peru, this recipe is made with rocotos, but they are difficult to find in the India so Red bell peppers work well as a substitute. I added bit more spices to even out the sweetness of the raisins. And you can substitute chicken mince for beef in this Rocoto Relleno recipe 

Peruvian Dish Rocoto Relleno


1 onion (chopped)
1/2 cup raisins
1 tsp garlic paste
3 large bell pepperd
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1 tablespoon paprika
1 large tomato
1 tbsp chilly sauce
1/2 kg  beef mince
1 hard-boiled egg (coarsely chopped)
1 cup grated cheese
1 tsp chilly powder
1/2 cup boiled green peas
Salt and pepper to taste
1 sprig of parsley

Peruvian Dish Rocoto Relleno


1 Sauté the chopped onions and garlic, and peppers in the olive oil until  they turn soft and translucent.

2. Add hot water to the raisins and let  the raisins swell up and become  plump.

3. Add the cumin powder, chilly powder and stir for 2 minutes more.

4. Add the beef mince and cook until browned. Add one  cup broth or water for cooking at this stage.

5. While the beef is cooking, boil water in another vessel. Slice the tops off of the bell pepper and keep aside. Clean the inside of the peppers, removing the seeds and veins. Now add to boiling water and keep for ten minutes. Drain the bellpeppers and dry with paper towels.

6. Add the chilly sauce and chopped tomato and cook till the beef is cooked.

7. Drain the raisins and add them to the beef. Let it simmer.for 5 minutes until most of the liquid is gone.

8. Stir in the chopped hard-boiled egg and boiled green peas and season it  with salt and pepper to taste.

9.  Lastly add the cheese to the beef mixture.

10. Now fill  each pepper with some of the beef mixtures. And top it with the bellpepper

11. Place the peppers on a baking tray and bake the peppers for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the cheese melts and peppers get tad bit softer.
You can even pan sear the peppers on all sides in a frying  pan with a closed lid.

Peruvian Dish Rocoto Relleno

This was my version of Rocoto Relleno. Bon Appetit!!

1 comment:

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