Saturday, 23 November 2019

Benefits of eating figs and two fresh fig recipes

Figs are a fleshy fruit with multiple seeds and very delicate skin. It is a member of the Mulberry family. Figs are sweetish and pulpy to taste that is why it can be crushed to make juices and smoothies. Figs are also dried preserved and eaten like candy. This is because of its high sugar content.  In India, figs are called anjeer and are also considered as a superfood. 

Benefits of eating figs

Let us first learn more about this superfood and then learn two easy recipes to enjoy it better 

The benefit of Fresh Figs

1. A fig is a good source of dietary fiber that will make you feel satiated. So, besides being a great option for healthy eating options, it will make you lose weight too.

2. Also known for its beauty-enhancing properties skin, figs can make you glow like a glowworm. Mash two ripened figs and apply the mix on your face for 15 minutes. It also helps to reduce blemishes and acne.
3. Figs are high in alkaline content, so it can control acid levels in the body. Scientific studies show that figs lower triglyceride levels too. 
4. High in the potassium content, figs help regulate blood pressure and hypertension.
5. Dried figs have high levels of phenol antioxidants, which aid and fight against the damage caused by free radicals.  The calcium in figs makes bones stronger.
6. People suffering from iron deficiency must have figs daily. It is an excellent source of antioxidants that help build g red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body.

I love chomping on figs; however, this time I made two interesting recipes with them. One was a low cal healthy dessert and the second was my post-workout energy smoothie. Note the ingredients and recipes below. 

Honey Fried Figs with Walnuts

Honey Fried Figs with Walnuts


4 ripe figs
1 tsp butter
1 tbsp honey
handful of walnuts
dash of wine


1. Slice the figs with the skin.

2. Add butter in the pan, let it melt and then switch off-gas. Add the walnuts and honey and wine and stir till walnuts get coated with honey.

3. In the same pan, place the sliced figs and place over a slow flame for 30 seconds, turn and cook again for 30 seconds. Over cooking them makes it mushy.

4. Now in a dish, place the figs, top it with walnuts and drizzle a little more honey over it. 

5. Cool it in the refrigerator before serving.

6. You can add some cream cheese over the fig as an option too.

Makes a delicious appetizer/dessert. 

Fig Almond Smoothie

Fig Almond Smoothie


2 figs
1 cup milk/ curd
1 tbsp honey
A sprinkle of cinnamon
3 almonds
1 scoop protein powder (optional)


1. Grind the almond, figs and protein powder together. 

2. Add the milk and honey and blend all the ingredients together.

3. Chill and serve.

4. You can add dates instead of honey. Even combine a banana with figs, it tastes delicious.

Saturday, 16 November 2019


How often do we face problems in the kitchen? 
Cooking for the first time? 
Trying out a new recipe? 
Or just not familiar with a recipe? 
In that case, do you refer to Google, use your intuition or call your mother up for advice. 
Well, I have listed out some really helpful Kitchen tips for every woman.  



1. If ever you happen to over-salt a pot of soup, just drop in a piece of potato. The potato will absorb the extra salt.

2. When you boil eggs in a pan, add a spot of salt to keep the shells from splitting and breaking.

3. Never put citrus fruits(Oranges, Lemons, limes, and so forth) or tomatoes in the refrigerator. The low temperatures corrupt the smell and kind of these fruits. (That's the reason our tomatoes don't last in the ice chest)

4. To clean an iron tawa, don't utilize cleansers. Simply scour them with salt and a spotless, dry paper towel.

5.  Keep curry leaves fresher and for a longer time by keeping them with fenugreek seeds in an airtight box. If you land up with excess curry leaves, remove from the stem, pop them in a microwave oven for 1 minute. They will dry up. Later grind them in a mixer to make curry powder to use later.

6. In the event that you are making gravy and it gets burnt at the bottom. Do not panic, transfer the rest to a new dish. Include a little sugar and keep stirring. The sugar will absorb the burnt flavors and the gravy tastes good too.

7. For quick dinner ideas, soak beans like rajma and chole and strain to refrigerate it.  Later use it for a quick salad or gravy to save time.

8. To check the age of eggs, place them in a bowl of water. Eggs that stay on the base are new. In the event that just one comes up, the egg is less new and ought to be utilized soon. In the event that it floats immediately, it could be spoilt.

9. To get rid of ants from the kitchen, discover where they are coming in and spread the gap with oil jelly(Vaseline). Ants won't trek through the jam. In the event that they are going under an entryway, draw a line on the floor with chalk. The little bugs moreover won't cross a line of chalk.

10. Try not to store your bananas in a bunch. Separate your bananas and place each in an alternate area. Bananas discharge gases which cause natural products (counting different bananas) to age rapidly. Isolating them will keep them crisp longer.

11. To keep potatoes from sprouting, put an apple in with them. This is proven with experimenting, that potatoes last longer.

12. Store green chilies wrapped in a tissue paper to make it last longer.

13. After boiling pasta or potatoes, strain the water and keep aside.  Cool the water, what's more, use it to water your home plants. The water contains supplements that will make your plants bloom

14. While defrosting meat from the cooler, pour some vinegar over it. In addition to the fact that it tenderizes the meat; it will likewise cut down the solidifying temperature of the meat and cause it to defrost speedier. Note,  every lady ought to have vinegar in her kitchen.

15. Do you cry while stripping off onions, at that point attempt this? In the wake of stripping off your onions, refrigerate the onions for at least 5minutes, at that point dice it. You will be happy you did.

16. For aluminum dishes that are looking dull, just heat up some apple strips in them. This will light up up the aluminum and make your home smell yummy.

17. When your salt gathers moisture and looks lumpy, put a couple grains of rice in with it to absorb the extra dampness.

18.  keep an aloe vera plant by your kitchen window. It's significant when you accidentally cut your hand. Simply scrape the leaf and rub the gel from where you have got hurt.

19. When making a soup, sauce, that is extra oily or greasy on the top, just drop an ice cube. The ice will draw in the fat, which you would then be able to scoop out. This does something amazing

20. If you wish to reuse cooking oil for frying but want to remove the previous taste it has developed,  cook a 1/4″ bit of ginger in the oil. It will expel any remaining flavors and smells.

 21.When tomatoes are cheap, purree them and store in it ice cubes. Later take a few frozen pieces as and when required for cooking.

Kitchen tips for every woman

22. Skip recipes that have onions as a base, onions are frightfully expensive plus take a long time to cook in a recipe. Stir fry veggies or sprout salads with don't require onions is a good option for a 20-minute prep and serve the meal.

23. And my last tip to all my fellow Indian multi-tasking ladies is to use the pressure cooker to your advantage. It cooks faster, uses less gas and retains food flavors. A real asset in the kitchen. Invest in a really good quality brand. 

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